Hornby's English Reading class at Oita Higher Commercial School. He wrote "Reading The Japan Times" on the blackboard. The Japan Times was first published in 1897.
(In the collection of the author)
『ホーンビーの英語辞典』の愛称で世界の英語学習者に親しまれているオックスフォード現代英英辞典(Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary:OALD)は英語圏の学習者だけでなく、英語を母国語としない外国人学習者に使いやすい、最も有名な英語辞書の一つとして知られています。OALDの見開きには、初版からの編者に敬意を表して、A.S. Hornby (Albert Sydney Hornby = アルバート・シドニー・ホーンビー)の名前が大書されていますが、ホーンビー先生が1924年(大正13年)から1933年(昭和 8 年)にかけて、9年間に亘って大分で英語教育を行っていたことは地元でほとんど知られていません。。これはホーンビー先生が太平洋戦争をきっかけに日本を去って 70 年以上が経過していることもありますが、かつてホーンビー先生が勤務していた大分高等商業学校(大分高商)を前身とする大分大学でもあまり知られていないことは卒業生として寂しいと思います。
The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (OALD), popularly known as "Hornby's English Dictionary", is one of the most popular English language dictionaries for both English-speaking learners and non-native speakers of English. The OALD of the present edition expresses the great honor of the first editors and the name of Albert Sydney Hornby (A.S. Hornby) is written about in largest letters. But it is not so famous in Oita even he taught English in Oita for ten years (1924-1933). This may be because more than 70 years have passed since Hornby left Japan in the beginning of the Pacific War between UK and Japan and partly because the residents in Oita don't know well that Oita University is the predecessor of Oita Higher Commercial School where Hornby worked before World War II. Anyway this situation makes me sad as one of the graduates from Oita University.

Under the title of the spread page of the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, now in use around the world, the editor of the first edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (OALD), AS Hornby, is written in large print in the newest edition (2020). On the left is a page of the first edition of OALD published in 1948 in UK, the original manuscripts had already been published in April 1942 in Japan. ©Oxford University Press, ©Obunsha (Please Double-click to enlarge the picture )

さらに、ネット上でホーンビー先生の大分時代についての情報を日本語や英語で検索しても、わずかにオックスフォード出版局のホームページや Wikipedia などで、ホーンビー先生が大分に一時期赴任していたことが端的に書かれているのみでした(平成26年9月時点での検索)。それ以来、筆者が大分高等商業学校の資料や当時の著書、写真を収集して、これまでほとんど知られていなかった若き日のホーンビー先生の写真や授業風景を確認できたので、このページで紹介したいと思います。左の写真は、1926年(大正15年)に出版された大分高商の第2回生卒業アルバムに掲載されたホーンビー先生の肖像です。このとき先生はロンドン大学卒業後大分に赴任して2年目の青年教師でした。当時を回想した先生や元教え子の文章から英語授業や語学部の活動を積極的に行っていたことが伺えます。
Furthermore, a search of the Internet for information about Hornby in Oita in either Japanese or English found only a few references to his brief assignment in Oita on the Oxford Press website and on Wikipedia Homepage
in September 2014. So I have long been searching and collecting books and old photographs of Oita Higher Commercial School and found the portrait of young Hornby and his writings in Oita.
The photograph on the left is the portrait of Hornby on the album of Oita Higher Commercial School published in 1926 (Taisho 15) in the collection of author. At that time Hornby was a young teacher in his second year at Oita after graduating from London University.
Essays by Hornby and his students, who reminisced about those days in their later years, indicate that he actively taught in English classes and an English club in Oita.
A photo of a class at Oita Higher Commercial School.
The words "Reading The Japan Times" are written on the blackboard.
(In the collection of the author)

Left: The first edition of the New English Dictionary of the English Language (ISED), published in Japan during the Pacific War in 1942. Right: The third edition published by Kaitakusha in 1949 after the war. It has the same number of pages as the first edition, but the 1949 edition’s papers are thinner. Both editions are in the collections of author.
ホーンビー先生は当初3年だった大分高商との契約を延長して10年になった昭和8年(1933年)9月に契約満了後、東京高等師範学校と東京外国語学校の英語教授として上京します。両校で勤務する傍ら、ホーンビー先生を招聘した前任のハロルド・パーマーの薫陶を受けて、外国人学習者向けの英語辞書の編纂に取り掛かります。左の写真は、ホーンビー先生が編集して戦時中の日本(昭和17年)に出版された『新英英大辞典 Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary (ISED) 』の初版(左)と、戦後まもなく出版された版(右)です。ISEDの特徴は、ホーンビー先生の大分や東京での英語教育経験に基づき、非英語圏の外国人学習者が英語を発信する(書き、話す)ことを主な目的として編纂されたことです。また、英語を効率よく学習するために25の文型(Verb pattern)を分類し、可算・不可算名詞の記号を新たに付記するなどの画期的な工夫がありました。ISEDは大平洋戦争中ながら、1万部の印刷用紙が優先的に確保され、1942年(昭和17年)4月20日に出版・発行されました。ところが1941年(昭和16年)12月に太平洋戦争が始まると、英国人であるホーンビー先生は『敵国外国人』として東京の仮設収容所(現在の東京雙葉学園内)で拘束され、昭和17年(1942年)4月の新英英大辞典の出版時にも収容所での生活を余儀なくされていました。その後、昭和17年10月に日英交換船で英国に帰国することとなります。
After his contract with Oita Higher Commercial School was extended to ten years in September 1933, he went to Tokyo to teach English at Tokyo Higher Normal School and Tokyo Foreign Language School. While working at both schools, he started to compile an English dictionary for foreign students under the tutelage of Harold Palmer, who had invited Mr. Hornby to Tokyo. The photo on the left shows the first edition of the New English and Syntactic English Dictionary (ISED), edited by Hornby and published in wartime Japan (1942) (left), and the edition published shortly after the war (right). Based on the teacher's experience in teaching English in Oita and Tokyo, the book was compiled with the main purpose of helping foreign students from non-English speaking countries to communicate (write and speak) in English. The ISED was published on April 20, 1942, during the Pacific War, when 10,000 copies of the book were reserved on a priority basis. Published. However, when the Pacific War broke out in December 1941, Hornby as an Englishman was detained as an "Enemy foreigner" in a temporary internment camp in Tokyo (where is now Tokyo Futaba Gakuen), and he was forced to live in the camp when the New English Dictionary was published in April 1942. After that, he returned to England in October 1942 by a Japan-UK exchange ship.

Left: ISED "AS Hornby's New English Dictionary", which continues to publish the first edition edited by Hornby ©KAITAKUSHA Right: Oxford Dictionary of Contemporary English, 10th edition ©OBUNSHA ©Oxford University Press.
英国に戻ったホーンビー先生は引き続き英語教育に従事しながら、1948年(昭和23年)に6年前に日本で出版した新英英大辞典(ISED)を写真製版して題名だけ変更した「A Leaner's Dictionary of Current English」を英国で出版したところ、初版で85万部を超えるベストセラーとなり、高い名声を得ました。それが今も版を重ねているオックスフォード現代英英辞典(Oxford Advanced Leaner's Dictionary:OALD)に引き継がれ、英語を学習する外国人にとって不可欠な辞典として世界中で使用されるようになりました。OALDは初版からの世界累計発行部数が4000万部を超えています。ホーンビーの英語辞典の特徴は、戦時中に日本で出版された現代英英大辞典(ISED)の出版から70年が経過した今でも、ホーンビー先生が編集した初版(右写真)が増刷を重ねている一方で、ISEDからスタートしたOALDは世界中で販売されて版を重ねている点で、日本でこのような英語辞典は他に例がありません。
Ⅰ. 英国ロンドン大学卒業~大分高等商業学校への赴任
Ⅱ. 大分高等商業学校での英語教育
Ⅲ. 東京高等師範学校・東京外国語学校赴任と新英英大辞典の編纂
Ⅳ. 敵国外国人施設での生活と新英英大辞典出版~英国へ帰国
Ⅴ. オックスフォード英語辞典出版と国際英語教育、BBC放送
Ⅵ. 戦後の大分再訪と同窓会誌への寄稿
After returning to the UK, Hornby continued to teach English, and in 1948 he published A Leaner's Dictionary of Current English, a photostat of the New English Dictionary (ISED), which had been published in Japan six years earlier, but with a new title. The Oxford Advanced Leaner's Dictionary (OALD) was a bestseller, selling over 850,000 copies in its first edition. It was succeeded by the Oxford Advanced Leaner's Dictionary (OALD), which is still in print today and is used around the world as the indispensable dictionary for foreign students of English. Hornby's English Dictionary is unique in that 70 years after the first edition of the wartime Modern English Dictionary (ISED) was published in Japan, the OALD, which started with the ISED, is still in print (see photo at right), while the OALD is still being sold and published around the world. There is no other English dictionary like this one.
The following is a detailed introduction to Hornby's life, with a focus on his relationship with Oita and Japan, as well as documents and photographs of the time.
I. Graduate of the University of London, Teaching at Oita Higher Commercial School
II. English Education at Oita Higher Commercial School
III. Assignment to Tokyo Higher Normal School, Tokyo Foreign
Language School and compilation of a new English dictionary
IV. Life in an Enemy Foreign Institution and the Publication of the New English Dictionary - Return to the UK
V. Oxford English Dictionary Publication and International English Education, BBC Broadcasting
VI. Revisiting Oita after the War and Contributions to the Alumni Magazine
Hornby in the Teaching Staff room of Oita Higher Commercial School (from the graduation album of Oita High School of Commerce owned by the author)
Ⅰ. 英国ロンドン大学卒業~大分高等商業学校への赴任
Graduate from the University of London and started to teach English at Oita Higher Commercial School
Born on August 10, 1898 to 1924 (26 years old)
ホーンビー先生は1898年(明治31年)8月10日に、英国イングランド北西部のチェスター市(City of Chester)で生まれました。地元のグラマースクール(Grammar School:大学を目指す学生のための中等学校)を卒業後、1914年(大正3年)から第1次世界大戦が起こったため、1917年(大正5年)に英国海軍に入隊します。後に日本で英語の授業を行った際、『Convoy (護衛船団)という単語を図解で説明した時には真に迫っていた(東京高等師範学校卒 高梨健吉氏の回想より)』という経験を積んだのはこのときです。第1次世界大戦が終結した翌年の1919年(大正8年)に海軍を除隊した後、ロンドン大学で英文学を3年間専攻して、1922年(大正11年)に学位(Bachelor of Arts)を取得、英文学優等生として卒業しました。
1923年(大正12年)、ロンドン大学の Appointment Board(人事委員会)の仲介で、当時英国の同盟国だった日本で新設された大分高等商業学校(大分高商)の英語教師を探していた日本人と出会い、請われて1924年(大正13年)から大分高商に3年間の契約で勤務することとなりました。同年春に、妻のIda Louise(アイダ・ルイーザ)を伴って、英国から船で日本を目指して、シベリア鉄道を経由して九州の大分市に到着します。当時の大分は明治末から鉄道網が県下で整備されると同時に、電線敷設が進んでガス灯から電灯の生活に移行していく中で活気にあふれた時代でもありました。
Hornby was born on August 10, 1898, in the City of Chester, northwest England, England. After graduating from the local Grammar School (a secondary school for college-bound students), he joined the Royal Navy in 1917 due to the outbreak of World War I in 1914. It was at this time that he gained the experience of teaching English classes in Japan, where the word of "convoy" was so close to the point of being illustrated (recalled and written by Mr. Kenkichi Takanashi, a graduate of Tokyo Higher Normal School). After being discharged from the Navy in 1919, a year after the end of World War I, he studied English literature at the University of London for three years, graduating in 1922 with a degree (Bachelor of Arts) and honors in English literature.
In 1923, through the intermediary of the Appointment Board of the University of London, he met a Japanese man who was looking for an English teacher at the newly established Oita Higher Commercial School, when Japan was one of the UK's ally at the time. He was invited to join Oita High School on a three-year contract in 1924. In the spring of the same year, Hornby and his wife, Ida Louise, arrived in Oita, Kyushu from England, via the Trans-Siberian Railway to Japan. Oita was in the midst of a vibrant period, when the railway network was being developed in the prefecture from the end of the Meiji era, and at the same time the electric lines were being laid and people were shifting from gas lamps to electric lights.

This is a city map of Oita in 1925, the year after the arrival of Hornby. The name "Oita Higher Commercial School (大分高商)" can be seen in the lower right corner of the map. The west side of the outer moat of Funai (Oita) Castle was reclaimed and the town developed toward the suburbs. Mainichi Shimbun Eastern Shrine Wedding Commemoration (Taisho 14) (Click twice to enlarge the image)

This is the aerial photo of Oita city in 1933, the last year of Hornby's 10-year career at Oita Higher Commercial School . On the left (south) is the direction of Oita station and on the right (north) is the direction of Funai (Oita) Castle. The photo is on the Oita City Profile published in 1933 (In the collections of author)
A commemorative postcard of the Oita Prefectural Office, built in 1921 in the West Mall of Funai (Oita) Castle (in the collection of author)

A postcard of Oita city in 1930's. Taken from the roof of the Ichimaru Department Store in Takemachi, looking north (Oita Castle and the Oita Prefectural Office can be seen in the distant center of the photo). The air raids in July 1945 nearly destroyed the city of Oita. (in the collection of the author)
A postcard of Oita city in 1930's. It was taken from the roof of the Ichimaru Department Store in Takemachi, looking south (the Bank of Japan branch in front of Oita Station on the far right, and Uenogaoka on the farther side). (in the collection of the author)

This postcard shows Oita Station (the square in front of the central entrance of Amu Plaza Oita) in 1930's. The large camphor tree in front of the station was very famous and would have been a familiar sight to Hornby, who lived in Oita from the Taisho era to the early Showa era for ten years. (in the collection of the author)
Oita Higher Commercial School of Commerce was the 8th governmental high school of commerce in Japan, and was the long-awaited establishment of a high school for Oita Prefecture. The school was opened in 1921 on a hill called Uenogaoka in the southeastern part of Oita City, and classes began in April 1922. When Hornby arrived at Oita Higher Commercial School, the school was in its second year of operation and all but the main building, including the main building and the auditorium, were still under construction (see the chapter of VI the reminiscences of Hornby in Chapter).
Aerial view of Oita Higher Commercial School. (The Upper side of the Photo is north. The school building can be seen in the center of the photo, and the ground on the north side. (in the collection of the author)
Plan view of Oita High School of Commerce (scale: 1:600)
(in the collection of the author)
An aerial view of Oita Higher Commercial School (left side of the picture is the north direction). The school buildings can be seen in the center of the photo, and the ground on the north side. The main gate can be seen in the lower left of the photo.
The Oita River spreads out on the upper (west) side of the photo.
(in the collection of the author)
An aerial view of Oita Higher Commercial School (the lower part of the photo is to the north). A group of school buildings can be seen in the center of the photo, and the ground on the north side. The building of Oita Junior High School (now Oita Uenogaoka High School) can also be seen in the upper right corner of the photo.
(In the collection of the author's)
Students walking up the hill from Kentoku-machi (Town).
The main building of Oita Higher Commercial School is the distance on the left.
(In the collection of the author's)
The main building, the auditorium, and the main gate of the Oita Higher Commercial School. (In the collection of the author's)
The rows of cherry blossom trees in the main building of the Oita Higher Commercial School, the athletic field, and a view of Mount Takasaki, Mount Yufu, and Mount Tsurumi in the distance (In the collection of the author)
ホーンビー先生が赴任する前の大分高商の英語教育は、カリフォルニア大学で学んだ天形矢十郎講師(1922年4月11日着任、1924年8月7日逝去)や、英会話は大分合同銀行(現 大分銀行)近くにあったロゴス教会の牧師であったエセル・セルス女史(1922年5月15日着任~1924年3月31日退職。ロンドン南郊のケント州出身で、当時の大分・別府で唯一の英国人女性と言われた)が担当していました。それまで和服が主であった学生たちにとっては、下宿でも洋服を通す天形講師や、室内でも帽子を脱がないことがあったセルス女史に戸惑ったという逸話も残っています。
Prior to Hornby's teaching position at Oita Higher Commercial School, Yajuro Amagata, a lecturer who had studied at the University of California and he arrived on April 11, 1922 and passed away on August 7, 1924. And Ethel Sels, a pastor of the Logos Church near the Oita Godo Bank (now Oita Bank), who taught English conversation. She arrived on May 15, 1922 and retired on March 31, 1924. She was from Kent County, a suburb south of London, and was famous as the only English woman in Oita and Beppu District at that time. There is an anecdote that the students, who until then mainly wore kimonos, were puzzled by the lecturer Amagata, who wore clothes even in lodgings, and Ms. Sels, who sometimes did not take off her hat even indoors.
Until the completion of the teachers' quarters (Nagahama-Town, Oita City) he became a family friend of the first principal, Yusaku Yamamoto, and the second principal, Yakutaro Yamazaki, and taught English to their children because the principal and vice-principal's houses were in the neighborhood of Hornby's first quarters.
The teachers' dormitory of Oita Higher Commercial School built in Nagahama-Town, Oita City. You can see the ridges of Mount Takasaki and Mount Tsurumi in the background. (In the Collection of the author)
English Education at Oita Higher Commercial School
1924(大正13)年:26歳 ~ 1933(昭和8)年9月:35歳
from 1924 (26 years old) to 1933 (35 years old)
Top photo: The main gate of Oita Higher Commercial School, in Uenogaoka, Oita City (late Taisho era). Lower photo: Now, Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture is now located there, and the gateposts and cherry trees preserved on the campus are remnants of the school's days as Oita Higher Commercial School.
(In the collection of the author )
English Classes at Oita Higher Commercial School (from the graduation album)
Hornby started to teach English at Oita Higher Commercial School on April 1, 1924. He was initially expected to teach English literature, but he found the Japanese students can read English well but they were not very good at English conversation or composition and seemed to be lacked their confidence. At that time, the government of Japan was changing from an era where English was taught by hired foreigners in the early Meiji era to Japanese teachers and the education was mainly focused on reading comprehension like Chinese literature and Latin classes. Since the students in higher commercial schools needed to learn practical English for business situations, he came to think that English literature should be taught by Japanese teachers and He, as a native English speaker, should mainly teach English conversation and composition. Therefore, he began to give practical English lessons using English newspapers such as the Japan Times, and with the kind help of his wife, who had experience of an actress, he also taught English drama to the students in the English Club of the school.
A timetable of the first-year students at Oita Higher Commercial School.
Hornby was in charge of English Composition, English conversation, and English Writing.(In the collection of the author)
An English play performed by students of the Oita Higher Commercial School.
Hornby's wife, Louisa, who had experience in theater was the play's instructor.
(In the collection of the author)
In the graduation album of the second class of Oita Higher Commercial School in 1926, Hornby wrote a moving blessing and encouragement in the FORWARD as follows.......
Hornby wrote the FORWORD to the graduation album for the second graduates of Oita Higher School with his signature. (In the Collection of the author)
For the second time in the history of The Oita Higher Commercial School, we are sending out graduates to take their share in the work of the world. For the second time, too, an album has been made that they remember the three years passed here.
Some will remain near us; others will go to the Capital and the distant cities. Wherever fortune, or the march of events, may take them, at home or abroad, all will look back on their life here with happy memories. This album will help to keep these memories fresh.
The School has a very brief history. We are now at the end of fourth year of its existence. Japan has a long and glorious history, and with it, great traditions. It is for the students of these early years to make the history of their school likewise great and glorious. With them, traditions must go up. They must remember, when they go out into the world, that in their care lies the name and reputation of the School. Let them at all times speak of it with pride and fondness; let no one at any time say or do anything that might cast slur on its honour.
Those who remain behind, students and staff, offer to the 1926 graduates their congratulations. They wish them every success in their future careers. May prosperity be theirs,
Albert. S. Hornby
Albert. S. Hornby
Signed photograph from the second graduation album of Oita Higher Commercial School in 1926 ( In the collections of the author)
また高等学校で英語を学習する生徒向けに対する適当な教材の必要性を感じたホーンビー先生は、昭和3年(1928年)に The Geography of Japan through questions and answers(日本地理問答)を執筆して、日本の英語学習者にとって馴染みが深い題材を元にした英語教科書を出版しました。日本の地理、コミュニケーション、都市、言語・新聞、米と麦、日本茶、絹、満州、韓国など各章につき100題の問答を集めたもので、東京、横浜や京都、大阪、神戸など都市の話題から、Where's Beppu? → It's on the east coast of Kyushu. など大分県や九州にまつわる文章があり、Are spas often visited by people who are ill? →Yes, they are. Because the hot mineral springs are said to be good for health. など、各々の話題に簡潔で的を得た文章を揃えています。
以下に、 The Geography of Japan through questions and answers(日本地理問答)における、ホーンビー先生の巻頭言を紹介します。当時の日本の高等学校における英語教育現場にありがちな現状にも触れられて興味深いです。
In 1928, he wrote "The Geography of Japan through questionsand answers", an English textbook based on a subject familiar to Japanese students of English. In 1928, Dr. Hornby wrote The Geography of Japan through questions and answers, and published an English textbook based on a subject familiar to Japanese learners of English. The book contains 100 questions and answers per chapter on topics such as Japanese geography, communication, cities, language and newspapers, rice and wheat, Japanese tea, silk, Manchuria, and Korea. For example,"Where's Beppu? → It's on the east coast of Kyushu." "Are spas often visited by people who are ill?→Yes, they are. Because the hot mineral springs are said to be good for health."
The PREFACE of The Geography of Japan through questions and answers by Hornby. It is also interesting to note the state of English education in Japanese high schools at that time.
The Geography of Japan through questions and answer
The teaching of English Conversations to students of higher schools presents difficulties that are not present in schools of middle grade. Methods and material are two of them. In schools of middle grade, conversation can be based on material taken from the text-books used as Readers. This is not always the case in schools of higher grade, where conversation is in the hands of British or American teachers, and where reading is usually in the hands of Japanese teachers. The students, moreover, have arrived at a stage where they can no longer find interest in drill-like work---even though it might still be advisable---and want more freedom in their conversation work.
It is essential to find material that will have some interest for the students, and material, too, that will provide common ground for both teacher and student. It is, of course, not the primary business of a teacher of English Conversation to give instruction in facts. His chief duty is to give instruction and practice in how to put words together, how make sentences correctly and speak them fluently. The problem remains of finding suitable material, a problem that is to some extent complicated by the fact that teacher and student are of different nationality. The teacher can ask questions about Europe and America; the student could answer questions about his native country. But in most cases, the student is not in possession of sufficient knowledge to answer continuous questions about Europe and America, once one has got away from simple facts such as position, capitals, languages. And the lesson may become a lecture with the teacher answering as well as asking questions. And the foreign teacher, in most cases, is not in a position ask continuous questions about Japan to which the student would have no difficulty in answering as regards facts.
It is to meet this difficulty that these questions and answers have been prepared. Knowledge of facts and vocabulary should be acquired outside and used during the conversation lesson. Every teacher will find for himself the best way to use the material. A good method is for the class to prepare a subject beforehand from the book and to answer the questions in school without the book. Or the same lesson may used twice, once with and once without the book.
Although material consists chiefly of commercial geography, there has been no strict limitation to this subject. Originally intended to form a sequence, some of the lessons might be more correctly described as a peregrination, as when the subject of Malaya leads by way of the Malay Archipelago to New Guinea, to the subject of mandates and the League of Nations. Topics have been restricted to countries bordering on the Pacific as being of more importance to Japanese than more distant parts of the world. Special attention has been paid to Manchuria and countries with which Japan has close relations in commerce.
Many of the questions can be re-arranged or extended to form extra questions. Instead of the short answer given in the text, a long answer may be demanded. I have found it a food plan to vary the type of question according to the ability of the students answering, when this is known as experience. With a known good students, one may ask only direct questions, ("What...? Why ...? Where...? etc.) and with less advanced or less fluent students, one may prepare for the direct questions by means of alternative or sequential types of questions. In this way, it is possible with the same material to suit the questions to the ability of the students.
The teacher will find it a great advantage to use wall maps in connection with these lessons. If none are available in the school, one or other of the large steamship companies would probably be pleased to provide them.
Albert S. Hornby
Oita Higher Commercial School
April, 1928.
The Geography of Japan through questions and answer
この本の問題の多くはアレンジしたり、話題を拡張して追加の問題を作ることもできる。テキストに書かれている短い答えの代わりに、長い答えが求められることもある。私は、生徒の経験としてよく知られている場合、回答する側の能力に応じて質問の形式を変更することが良いことを発見した。もしも優秀な生徒なら、直接的な質問(What...? Why...? Where...? など)だけをすることができるし、あまり上達していない生徒や流暢でない生徒の場合は、代わりの質問や関連した質問によって、直接的な質問の準備もできる。このようにして、同じ教材で生徒の能力に合った質問をすることができる。
Albert S. Hornby
Hornby (fifth from the left in the front row) and students from the English Club at Oita Higher Commercial School in about 1925 (from the graduates album)
Hornby (front row, center) with the English Club students of the Oita Higher Commercial School. Hornby's wife, Louisa has experience as an actress, who was a producer of the English Play. (In the collection of the author)

また、ホーンビー先生が大分に赴任する2年前の1922年(大正11年)に来日して、東京で英語教授研究所(現在の財団法人 語学教育研究所)を設立して英語教育の改善活動を行っていたハロルド・E・パーマー(Harold.E.Palmer)の存在を知って交流を深めます。パーマーはspeechとしての話し言葉(言語運用)と、codeとしての言葉(言語体系)を区別して言語教育を行う「オーラルメソッド(Oral method)を提唱した言語学者です。ホーンビー先生より21歳年上であり、大分高商で実践的な英語教育に従事していたホーンビー先生には恰好の先達でした。パーマーは昭和11年(1936年)に日本を去る前にホーンビー先生を英語教授研究所(現在の財団法人 語学教育研究所)の後継者として東京に招聘しました。このときからホーンビー先生は東京高等師範学校と東京外国語学校の講師も勤めることとなります。さらにパーマーは、日本人のように非英語を母国語とする高校生などの上級学習者向けに適した英語辞書の編纂を薦め、それが後の『新英英大辞典(Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary :ISED)』が作られるきっかけとなりました。
He also knew the fame of Harold E. Palmer who came to Japan in 1922 and established the English Teaching Institute (now the Institute for Language Education) in Tokyo. Palmer improved English education, and he was a linguist who advocated the oral method of language education, which distinguishes between spoken language as speech (language operation) and language as code (language system). He was 21 years older than Hornby, and was a good predecessor. Palmer invited Hornby to Tokyo as the successor of the English Teaching Institute (now the Institute for Language Education) in 1936.
So Hornby also taught at Tokyo Higher Normal School and Tokyo Foreign Language School. In addition, Palmer recommended the compilation of an English dictionary suitable for advanced learners such as high school students who are non-native speakers of English like the Japanese, which led to the creation of the later Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary (ISED).
The tenth person from the left in the back row is Hornby with the teachers and the English club students. ( In the collections of the author )
Tokyo Higher Normal School, Tokyo Foreign Language School and compilation of a new English dictionary
1933(昭和8)年:35歳 ~ 1941(昭和16)年:43歳
from 1933(35 years old) to 1941 (43 years old)

さらにパーマーからの提案による、非英語を母国語とする学習者向けに適した英語辞書の編纂を薦め、『新英英大辞典(Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary :ISED)』を出版する準備を進めます。
Hornby , who had taught English at Oita Higher Commercial School for almost 10 years was invited to Tokyo by Harold E. Palmer , director of the Institute for Teaching English (now the Institute for Language Education), in 1933 to teach at the Institute for Teaching English. He moved to Tokyo to work at the Institute for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and became a lecturer at Tokyo Higher Normal School and Tokyo School of Foreign Languages.
By Palmer's suggestion, he was recommended to compile an English dictionary suitable for non-native English learners, and he proceeded to prepare for the publication of the Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary (ISED).
Tokyo Higher Normal School Main Building and East Wing (From the postcard commemorating the 60th anniversary of the school, issued on October 30, 1931)
The Play of "Macbeth" performed by the students of Tokyo Higher Normal School in 1936 (In the collection of the author)
Tokyo Higher Normal School West Wing ( From the postcard commemorating the 60th anniversary of the school, issued on October 30, 1931)

A.H. Wakefield, one of the editors of the New Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary (ISED), published in Japan in 1942
(From the graduation album of Oita Higher Commercial School in 1939).
Incarcerated Life at the Enemy Foreign Institution in Tokyo and the Publication of the New English Dictionary
- Return to the UK
1941(昭和16)年 12 月:43歳 ~ 1942(昭和17)年8月 : 44歳
from 1941 (43 years old) to 1942 (44 years old)
1941年(昭和16年)12月8日に太平洋戦争が勃発して日本と英国、米国が交戦状態になったことに伴い、英国人であるホーンビー先生は『敵国外国人』として東京で抑留されることとなりました。当時の日本国内には342人の英米系外国人が在住していましたが、その多くは教員や企業社員、貿易商、宣教師や牧師とその家族であり、12月8日の開戦と同時に全国一斉に各地の抑留所に連行されました。ホーンビー先生もそれまで住んでいた東京の神楽坂の家を出て、世田谷にある董女学園(現在の田園調布雙葉学園)に設置された敵国人抑留所に収容されました。年が明けて1942年(昭和17年)4月20日には新英英辞典 (Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary:ISED)が無事に出版の運びとなります。当時は太平洋戦争の最中で日本や英国や米国と交戦中でしたが、翌年の昭和18年(1943年)に発行された「英文學研究」の書評欄で、澤村寅二郎氏によって新英英辞典が紹介されています。『英語を外国語として学習する者、特に日本の学生の為に、英人Hornby が主として筆を執り、英語慣用語句の用法と文章構成法を教える立場から編纂されたものである』、『英人としての著者が新たに考案した説明』、『本辞典の著しい特色は(中略)、名詞にcountable とuncountable の別を示し、動詞の型(Verb Patterns)を明らかにしたことである』などと、大変好意的に評されています。
On December 8, 1941, the Pacific War broke out and Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States were at war, and Hornby, a British citizen, was interned in Tokyo as an "Enemy foreigner". At that time, there were 342 Anglo-American foreigners living in Japan, most of whom were teachers, businessmen, traders, missionaries, pastors, and their families, and they were taken to internment camps all over the country at the same time the war started on December 8. Hornby also left his home in Kagurazaka, Tokyo, and was interned in the enemy internment camp set up at Tojo Gakuen (now Denenchofu Futaba Gakuen) in Setagaya. On April 20, 1942, the Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary (ISED) edited by Hornby was successfully published in Japan . In 1943, Torajiro Sawamura introduced ISED as the New English Dictionary in the book review section of the Journal of English Literature. "The dictionary was compiled by a young Englishman, Hornby, mainly for the benefit of students of English as a foreign language, especially for Japanese students, from the standpoint of teaching the usage of English idiomatic phrases and sentence structure." "The dictionary has been very favorably reviewed: The remarkable features of this dictionary are the distinctions between countable and uncountable nouns and the clarification of verb patterns."
At the time of the WWII in Japan, English was regarded as an "enemy language" and there was a great deal of anti-English activity but the fact that such a review was published must be a proof of the good conscience of the Japanese people.
Torajiro Sawamura 『Critical Introduction the Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary (ISED) 』23rd volume, No. 2, The English Society of Japan 1943
(In the collection of the author)
Colored postcard of the Tatsuta Maru, on which Hornby sailed. The ship was used as a Japan-UK exchange ship in 1942. (In the collection of the author)
After about six months of internment in Setagaya, he was allowed to board an exchange ship with Japanese living overseas (the Japan-Britain Exchange) and was able to return to England. However, before he returned to UK, Hornby's wife died, and it was a heartbreaking journey. When he left Japan, he was seen off by his close Japanese friends and students. He said to them with a smile, "I will come back to Japan as a citizen of a victorious country." I think this episode shows the good relationships between Hornby and his friends because he was not punished at all by such a humor even in the war time in Japan.
Hornby later recalled that he was able to return to UK relatively quickly because of the recognition of his achievements in English education and publication of English dictionaries in Japan. At that time, Japan had been winning the war since the beginning of the war, and although there were some changes in the war situation, such as the small-scale air raid on Tokyo by the US forces (the Doolittle Raid) on April 18, 1942, and the first major defeat of the Imperial Japanese Navy in the Battle of Midway on June 7, which resulted in the loss of four of its main aircraft carriers, the mood in Japan was one of victory in the early stages of the war, and there was a relatively relaxed atmosphere. However, domestically, there was a feeling of victory in the early stages of the war. Hornby departed Japan in August 1942 aboard the Tatsuta Maru, which served as an exchange ship between Japan and Britain.
The Tatsuta Maru carried the British ambassador to Japan as well as repatriates from Britain and its allies, and after an exchange with the Gripsholm, carrying Japanese repatriates, at Lorenzo Marques in neutral Portuguese East Africa (present-day Maputo, Mozambique), the ship arrived in London in October via South Africa. The ship arrived in London in October via South Africa. At that time, London was attacked by air raids from Germany and supplies were scarce.
Until 1923, the year before Dr. Hornby first came to Japan and visited Oita, Japan and the UK were allies, but 18 years later they became warring countries and he must have been very unhappy to be detained as an enemy foreigner. However, he sent the reprints of the ISED he had published in Japan to UK while there was still shipping service, and this enabled him to publish an English dictionary after returning to UK.
Oxford English Dictionary Publication and International English Education, BBC Broadcasting
from 1942 (44 years old)
英国に帰国したホーンビー先生はブリティッシュ・カウンシル(British Council)に勤務して、英語教育を続けます。太平洋戦争開戦前に日本から新英英大辞典(Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary:ISED)のゲラ刷りを送っていた原稿をそのまま写真印刷して、1948年(昭和23年)に『A Learner's Dictionary of Current English』としてオックスフォード大学出版局から出版したところ、世界中でベストセラーとなりました。ナチスドイツの侵攻から6年に亘る第2次世界大戦が終わり、改めて国際語としての英語教育の需要が高まっていた時期であり、BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation英国放送協会)のラジオ番組の英会話講師を務めるなど、英国を中心に世界的な名声をさらに高めます。
After returning to UK, Hornby worked for the British Council (British Council for the Promotion of Culture) and continued teaching English. Before the outbreak of the Pacific War, he had sent a gala printing of the Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary (ISED) from Japan, which was photo-printed and published as A Learner's Dictionary of Current English by Oxford University Press in 1948 and it was published after the end of World War II, which had lasted six years since the invasion of Nazi Germany, the demand for English education as an international language was increasing. He further increased his fame in the UK and around the world.

英国BBC で英会話番組に出演するホーンビー先生 ⒸBBC
Hornby appearing in an English conversation program on BBC ⒸBBC
Revisiting Oita after the WWII and his Contributions to the Alumni Magazine
from 1964 (67 years old) to 1966 (69 years old)
Aerial view Oita City in 1965. The former Oita Airport can be seen over the Oita River.
ホーンビー先生は、戦後の昭和39年(1964年)に東京で行われた英語教育会議等で来日された際に大分に立ち寄り、大分高商の元教官や教え子らと旧交を温めています。(註:日本には昭和31年(1956年)9月にもC.C. Fries, W.F. Twaddellらとともに英語教育専門者会議のために来日していました。)昭和20年(1945年)の大分空襲により、大分市街地は焼け野原となって大分師範学校や大分高等女学校などの教育機関は全焼してしまいましたが、市街から少し離れた大分高商(昭和19年より改称された当時は大分経済専門学校)の建物は幸いに空襲を免れて、戦後の学制改革で昭和24年に国立大分大学経済学部となりました。
昭和41年(1966年)には、大分高商同窓会誌に掲載された『Various Literary and Linguistic Topics』に大分高商教官時代の思い出を寄稿されています。このときホーンビー先生は風光明媚な自然で有名な英国 Cotswolds 地方の Willersey に住んでいました。2年前の再来日と大分訪問を含めて、1924年~1933年に10年に亘る大分での教官生活を当時の校長、副校長、同僚、生徒との交流を回想しながら、当時のことを感慨深く振り返っています。
In 1964 Hornby came to Japan for a conference on English education held in Tokyo, and visited Oita to see his old friends and his former instructors and students at Oita Higher Commercial School. ( He also came to Japan in September 1956 for a conference on English education with C.C. Fries, W.F. Twaddell, and others. However, the buildings of Oita Higher Commercial School, located a short distance from the city center, fortunately escaped the air raids and were rebuilt in 1949 as part of the postwar educational system reform. The building was fortunately spared from air raids and became the Faculty of Economics of National Oita University in 1949.
In 1966, Hornby contributed his memories of his time as an instructor at Oita University of Commerce to "Various Literary and Linguistic Topics," which was published in the Oita University of Commerce Alumni Association Journal. He was living in Willersey in the Cotswolds region of England, famous for its scenic beauty, when he came to Japan again two years ago and visited Oita and looked back on those days with great emotion.
Various Literary and Linguistic Topics
On my desk as I write there is a large heavy album, bound in velvet-covered boards and with gilt edges. It has title "School Life", and was issued in 1925 for the first graduates of what was then the Oita Koto Shogyo Gakko. It was during the college life of these first graduates that many of the buildings were completed. When these students first arrived, only the main building and the dormitories were in existence. When I arrived in Oita from England in 1924, building was still in progress. I may claim, therefore, to have been one of he first teachers in the College. I was twenty-six, so perhaps only six years older than my students. These who are still alive to remember me must now be sixty or over.
Although this was so long ago I have clear memories of the years I spent there. I recall the first Principal of the College. Mr.Yamamoto, dignified and impressive in the splendid uniform worn on ceremonial occasions: I recall his successor, Mr. Yamazaki, to whose charming daughter I gave English lessons. By that time the official residences for the Principal, Vice-Principal, and the foreign teachers (one British, one American, and one Chinese) had been built, so we were neighbors. Professor Mori was a good friend of mine, and I remember giving lessons to his very bright boy who must, by now, be in prominent positions in Japan's industry and commerce.
When I returned to Japan In 1964 to take part in a Conference on the Teaching of English, I was delighted to be invited to a party in Tokyo (was in at the Chinzan-so?) to meet some of my old colleagues (Mr. Mori and Mr. Kitazawa) and many of my former students. There was a most enjoyable occasions. After the Conferenece my wife and I travelled extensively in Japan. We went to Hokkaido, and then to Kyushu. We visited Oita. and of the professors I had known in the years 1924-33 only Proffesor Fukumitsu remained. He welcomed us warmly. We were met at Beppu by Mr. Tanaka, the Dean, and were provided with the official car for our short party. We toured the Beppu area and later went on to Aso-san, Unzen and Nagasaki, all places which were familiar to me because I had made so many excursions in Kyushu with Willian Nunn, my American colleague during the yaers 1924-36.
I rember, too, the teacher of French, Father Breguier, who had passed most of his life in Japan and was the Catholic priest in Oita for many years. Unlike me he spoke fluent Japanese. He remained very French,however, and when I had meals with him he always made his coffee himself, first roasting the beans over a charcoal fire, then grinding them, and then preparing his coffee. This is a ritual at every meal.
I remember collaborating with Professor Takita in the teaching of commercial correspondence and with Professor Osada in the teaching of English literature. I recall the very numerous oratorical contests at which I acted as one of judges, and the drama productions for which I was producer. Occasionally there were Shakespeare plays in Japanese (for these I was not responsible), and my surprise when Bottom (In "A Midsummer Night's Dream") was addressed, politely, as "Bottom San." And the parties which the teaching staff gave themselves every term, with delicious meals, lots of sake and entertainment from the local geisha. These cultivated ladies are now, I am told, an expensive luxury, probably far beyond the limited means of professors.
To all my former colleagues and students I send my best wishes.
Albert. S. Hornby
Various Literary and Linguistic Topics
今、私の机の上には、鹿革張りの金色の縁が付いた大きく、重たいアルバムがあります。これは「School Life 」というタイトルで、1925年に当時の大分高等商業学校の第一期卒業生のために発行されたものです。彼らが入学した当時は、本館と学生寮しかありませんでしたが、この第一期生の大学生活の中で多くの建物が完成しました。私が英国から大分に来た1924年には、まだ建物は完成していませんでした。ですから、自分はこの学校の最初の教官の一人だと言えるでしょう。当時私は26歳で、学生たちと6歳上なだけでしたが、今私を覚えている卒業生は60歳以上になっています。
Albert. S. Hornby
アルバート S ホーンビー
寄稿文には大分高商での同僚や生徒との触れ合いをはじめ、大分県や九州各地を旅したことなどが生き生きと描かれています。その後ホーンビー先生は1978年9月13日に80歳で永眠されますが、26歳から35歳までの9年間を過ごした大分での生活は、青年教師として非英語圏の上級学生に英語を教える経験を蓄積しながら、後に英語教育の世界的権威として飛躍するまでの準備期間としての青春だったといえるでしょう。ブリティッシュ・カウンシル(British Council)は、ホーンビー先生の名前を冠した Hornby Scholarship(A.S.Hornby Educational Trust)制度を設けて、現在も英国外で英語を教える先生を支援しています。
(文責 森本卓哉 郷土史家 医師 医学博士)
He vividly describes his memory with his colleagues and students at Oita Higher Commercial School and his travels in Oita Prefecture and throughout Kyushu. He passed away on September 13, 1978 at the age of 80. About ten years he spent in Oita from the age of 26 can be said to have been his youth as he accumulated experience teaching English to intelligent and advanced students in non-English-speaking countries as a young teacher, and also as a preparation period for his later rise as a world authority on English education.
The British Council has established the Hornby Scholarship (A.S. Hornby Educational Trust) in his name, and continues to support teachers of English outside the UK.
Written by Takuya Morimoto, MD PhD and Local Historian
A view looking northwest from Oita Higher Commercial school. Mt.Takasaki, Mt.Yufu, and Mt.Tsurumi are seen (In the collections of the author)
Japanese Entertainment Restaurant "Horai-kan”, later "Kasuga-tei”, located in Kasugaura, Oita City ( In the collection of the author)
Colored postcard of a Betsudai Tram Train running along the sea in Kasugaura, Beppu Bay (In the collection of the author)
Oita-Bashi(Central) Street. Two-lane tram trains are passing by.
(In the collection of the author)

A locomotive running along the railroad along Beppu Bay
(In the collection of the author)
Before the WWII, there were not as many trees as now, and the view from the top of Mt. Takasaki was very fine and you can see the whole view of Beppu City.
(In the collection of the author)
謝 辞
このページを作成するにあたり、一般財団法人 大分大学経済学部同窓会『四極会』事務局の皆様には大分高等商業学校の同窓会誌などの資料を拝見させていただくなど、大変お世話になりました。また、大分大学附属図書館では大分高等商業学校時代の資料を閲覧させて頂きました。関係各位に衷心より御礼申し上げます。
I would like to express my gratitude to the secretariat of the Oita University Faculty of Economics Alumni Association "Shiwasu-kai" for their help in preparing this page, including the alumni magazine of Oita High School of Commerce. We also had a chance to look at materials from the days of Oita High School of Commerce at the Oita University Library. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those involved.
Takuya MORIMOTO, MD PhD Local Historian
○豊田寛三監修 森本卓哉ら共著『大分市の昭和』樹林舎 2016年
○A.S.Hornby 『The Geography of Japan through questions and answers(日本地理問答)』英語教授研究所 1926年
○A.S.Hornby, 岩崎民平 『New English Composition』1929年 至文堂
○A.S.Hornby 『An Elephant's Revenge(象の仇討)』The English as speech series Vol.XV 1937年 開拓社
○A.S.Hornby E.V.Gatenby A.H.Wakefield 『Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary(AS ホーンビー新英英大辞典)』開拓社 1942年(初版~新装版)
〇澤村寅二郎『批評紹介 新英英大辞典』英文学研究第23巻第2号 日本英文學會 1943年
○A.S.Hornby 岩崎民平 『英語の型と正用法』研究社 1962年
〇大分県英語教育研究協議会『大分県英語教育100年の歩み』第一学習社 1970年
〇Peter Stevens『In honour of A.S. Hornby』Oxford University Press 1978年
〇高梨健吉ら『英語教育問題の変遷(現代の英語教育1)研究社 1979年
〇高梨健吉『英語の先生、昔と今 その情熱の先駆者たち』日本図書ライブ 1985年
〇伊村元道『パーマーと日本の英語教育』大修館書店 1997年
○A.P.Cowie 『English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners』Oxford Linguistics 1999年
〇小宮まゆみ『太平洋戦争下の「敵国人」抑留 : 日本国内に在住した英米系外国人の抑留について』お茶の水史学 1999年9月号
○Oxford University Press『Oxford Advanced Leraner's English Dictionary』(オックスフォード現代英英辞典50周年記念版) 1999年
〇斎藤兆史『日本人と英語~もうひとつの英語百年史』研究社 2007年
○オックスフォード大学出版局『オックスフォード現代英英辞典 第10版』旺文社 2020年
平成26年(2015年)09月02日 ページ作成。
平成28年(2017年)12月09日 資料写真と説明の追加。
平成29年(2018年)02月17日 Wakefield 先生の写真掲載。
平成29年(2018年)02月19日 Hornby 先生の大分高商第2回卒業生に贈る言葉と、昭和31年の大分高商同窓会誌への寄稿文および解説を掲載。
平成29年(2018年)11月08日 写真解説文の補筆。
平成29年(2018年)11月12日 第Ⅴ章の補記、写真資料掲載、参考文献補記。
平成29年(2018年)11月16日 第Ⅳ章の補記。
令和 2 年(2020年)11月15日 英語文校正
令和 3 年(2021年)03月21日 Hornby 先生の英語文章の日本語訳を付記。
令和 3 年(2021年)03月27日 英語・日本語対訳の校正、フォント整理
令和 3 年(2021年)03月30日 OALDの写真を8版から最新の10版に差し替え
森本 卓哉 (医師 医学博士 郷土史家)
Takuya MORIMOTO, MD PhD and Local Historian
Oita Godo Shinbun on January 5, 2018 (Heisei 30)